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    Scotland, UK

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  1. Maybe some sort of mini cnc machine? I know it can be very expensive to laser onto stainless steel and probably not worth it for doing just tags.
  2. Thanks very much for your help. I've managed to source some 216x2 leather needles so I will give them a go Yes, I did get a Singer 132k. It's taken a lot of time getting the tension right and sorting out the bobbing thread and such but it's just something I'm going to have to learn to be honest. Thanks for your help.
  3. Hey guys, recently purchased a sewing machine and I'm just trying to learn and get to grips with it. The machine came with a 180/24 needle but wasn't used for leather. So I purchased a 200/25 needle for leather and it seems to be a completely different size and sits too high in my machine as they are smaller. I've attached a photo of both needles for comparison. I've read the stickies at the top of this section but still I'm completely clueless as to what needles to buy now. Appreciate any help
  4. I'm thinking about purchasing this machine but it's too far for me to view and try out myself so I am looking to find out how much material can fit under the foot of one of these machines? This machine will be used to sew heavy duty k9 harnesses and collars about 8 - 10mm thick. Will this be possible? Or should I look at another machine completely? (UK based) Thanks for any help
  5. I love the brushed effect and the chunky belt keeper. I've always wanted to attached a thick one myself but couldn't find a suitable way of sewing it on.
  6. I've just bought some bridle shoulder to compare the 2 but I can see the bridle shoulder being more than strong enough for the job.
  7. Hi Everybody! I'm looking to start making some 2 ply leather dog collars. I have butt bridle leather (3.5 mm thick) which does cost a fair amount. It just seems that I will be using a lot of this expensive leather for 1 collar as I will have to double the amount I will be using. I was thinking of maybe buying from the shoulder instead which will be a bit cheaper as one it's doubled up it should be strong anyway. I want to make some good quality collars so should I just stick with the butt bridle and add the costs on or start using leather from the shoulder which costs a bit less? Thanks.
  8. I'm very new to leather working and purchased a bridle shoulder for some leather collars. It seemed to be rather dry and hard so I lightly applied a few coats of Neatsfoot Oil and let dry for 24 hours in between coats. The leather seemed fine after this and manage to cut myself a few nice looking straps from the shoulder. However, after punching my holes I am left with horrible looking crease marks on the reverse. Even when I slightly fold the leather it starts to crease... is this normal? Is my leather bad? or maybe my hole punches? (purchased very cheaply from ebay) Thanks for any help
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