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Everything posted by VG2013

  1. Recently got a Cobra 4 machine, and slowly figuring out how to work with it. Today, I ran into an issue. The machine came pre-fitted with a left toe presser foot, which sat a little bit far from the center presser foot, but it didn't bother me. Today I tried fitting the right toe presser foot, and the double toe presser foot, and both of them rub against the right side of the center toe presser foot. The rubbing is pretty severe, enough "lock up" the machine when the screw holding the presser foot is tightened all the way. From the looks of it, I'd say that for some reason all presser feet are angled a little, causing the left side to sit far from central presser foot, while the right side is flush (and pressing against) the central foot. I think, by filing down the presser feet point of attachment a little I'll be able to even out this issue, but it would take quite a bit of filing (at least a millimeter or two of metal will need to be removed to shift the whole thing a little to the right. And before I do that, I wanted to check if there's any other way to solve this, perhaps with an adjustment somewhere? Thanks!
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