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  • Location
    Henderson, Nevada
  • Interests
    Firearms, 4 wheeling, leather, desert exploring

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    just learning
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    holsters, sheaths, landscapes

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  1. Ray, Received my order yesterday and they easily pentrated 1/4 inch leather and still rolled over the washer. Thanks again for the heads up. Ric
  2. Nice work, I love the color selection!!!
  3. Ray, Great to hear they are what you needed, I tried calling today but got the answering machines so they probably have the weekend off. I will send them an email and go from there. Thank you sir. Best wishes, Ric
  4. Raysouth, That is the size I am looking for. I will call them on the 26th. Thank you very much!!! Merry Christmas to you.
  5. Thanks Trevor, I am searching their site now!!!!
  6. Trevor, I would love the name of the company, I could put those to use. Thanks very much for all the great photos. Your time is appreciated
  7. If you ever remember it, please post it as I am still searching.
  8. Thanks Geneva, Those grommets do not have the length under flange to consistently go through 1/4" material. Thanks for your input
  9. Hi Ramrod, Thanks for the response, I have tried several packages of the long shank from Tandy. The shank is 1/4 " but it is not 1/4" under the flange. Skiving around the hole is not applicable in this circumstance. I thank you for the info sir!!!
  10. Ray, Thanks for your response. Ohio Travel Bag was one of the first stops that I made as they have delivered unusual finds for me in the past. The leather belts are 1/4 inch thick and the customer wants grommets or eyelets that will go all the way through.. They will not compromise on the belt thickness so I am still searching for a better solution. Best wishes!!!
  11. Thanks Reaper, I will check them out!!!
  12. Thank you Chain, I will keep my eyes open when I am out in those type of shops. Thanks for your advice!
  13. Thank you crazyjz, that works both ways. I will pass you any info that I run across. Thanks for the input! Thanks Itch, I have used that approach on several occasions but sometimes the project just won't allow me to. I appreciate your input! I did the two eyelets end to end once but it ended up breaking and fortunately it was on a piece for myself. We may have to go to China for a group buy of ten gazilllion and sell to everyone else!!!!!
  14. Hello everyone, I am searching for some 3/16" antique brass grommets that will penetrate 1/4" leather and still have room to roll over the lip on the flange. I think the characteristic is called length under flange (luf) of at least 1/4". Any help will be appreciated.
  15. Josh, You know I love that pattern as I "borrowed" it from you last year, It was the first one that I did, and hangs proudly on my side. Thanks again for sharing and being an inspiration to us beginners!!!!
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