I'm happy to say that I bought the machine and it is a true WORK HORSE! Wow, it sews stiff 1/2" veg tan leather like butter! I bought it off Craigslist for $600 from a professional that specializes in industrial machines and it came with lots of extras including the solid wood table. I can get it to go one stitch at a time but I have to be barefoot and just flutter a toe lol it's very sensitive so I'm thinking the reducer would be a good idea. He said he can install one for around $100 and I'm thinking that sounds like a good investment, a few lead foot runaways and I'd ruin $100 worth of leather in no time!
I'm making all kinds of things, mostly horse related gear. I wasn't at all expecting to get a machine that could repair my heavy draft harness but this machine will have no problems I'm even considering making one from scratch! I just started college again full time, after about a year off, so my biggest problem will be finding the time :-/
Thank you for the great info guys, this forum is great!