Hello to all and thanks in advance for info. Very apreciated! I have been asked by a client to build a horse riding surcingle. I have never built one but I have starded reading books about sadlle making and have the knowledge of rinding and vaulting teacher at will.
My main question is how do I pad underneath the the surcingle? I know horse riding sadles have sheep skin undeneath and have 2 bars eache side of the horse's back to prevent presure on the spine.The surcingle I have seen only has leather covered triangle hard foam shape where the bars would be. Is this the only way to do this? Were can I buy this foam?
Second question I have is: can I use heavy veg tan leather or would it be better with Latigo
third question: I know this is a vage but eny tips on riging to prevent handle tipping?
Fourth question: There was no padding for the horse stomach on the one I saw, should ther be some?
I was thinking of machining my self some stainless handles and bolt them each to aluminium plate (with holes around the edges) .Bolts would be countersunk to not have them not sticking out .Put a layer of leather on top and underneath of the plate , sewing around the plates and lacing thru the leather and the plate holes. the foam paddings would be underneath the plates.
Thanks again for info! Any other info is also great.