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Azur Jahic

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    hand stiching

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  1. Ok thank you i tryed stiching old leather jacket but it won't come well.
  2. I need material /leather canvas etc that is heavy but in the same time flexable. I made bellows using leather but it was too thin and it didn't hold air long enaughit was easy to squeze air from it. Do you have some tips what material to get airtight supple in the same time.
  3. Thanks for answer .
  4. Hello i yesterday bought hemp thread it look like strong thread.What you guys mean about hemp thread.Do you have expiriece with hand stitiching (saddle stitich) using hemp thread and i bought wax too.I wonder why we use wax when wan hand stitiching.
  5. How you stitch long leather i mean i can't clamp leaher that is too long,And its hard to hold overlap like in this picture any help i will appreciate.I need to make airtight and strong joint.Can this job do without glue.
  6. Thanks for answer guys.
  7. Hello i just broked needle while stitching leather today i use pliers and i dint'know that you cuold brake something if you pull it.Is posible to repair that needle.I broke hole where thread go.Can i somehow make new hole.Or hacksaw it.Is anything posible.Sharp part of needle stay butt only hole get busted.
  8. here is how it look on leather
  9. HEre is picture
  10. Hello i buy today plastic thread.It was cheap.And i think it can't rott.I thik i dont need a wax for it.i try with it it look it might can tear leather.To notice iam making blacksmtih bellows.And i need airtight stitch.So what you suggest.I have a lot's of these thread.
  11. Thak you for answer,
  12. The sheep was slughtered yesterday today is night. Now questio is how time i have unitl it start get rotten and. I must do thad tomorow is that too late for that kind of job can i remove hair from it skin how to do all of job to get supple hide flexable i have a lo's of question how to do this quest .Sorry for bad ENglish.
  13. Thanks tree reaper for now i am doing fine with my stiches.Using double needle stich is somekind new things for me but i will get uset to it.
  14. Thanks and God bless you too.I cant find it in my native language is it like wood glue i also find that somkind rubber cement.But it only translate me cement as an material for builing houses.
  15. I am buildig some blacksmith bellows.And bellows need to have leather on it to work properly.But today i buy at market cheap leather jacket .If i restich it i dont kow how to hand stich (sewn ) it to have airtight joint.I will use a lot's of jacket (leather stuff) to make this cloth for bellows.What kind of hand tools i need to joint two pice of leather that need to be airtight.
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