Real quick I’d like to say thank you to the site, it’s members and Wizcrafts.
I'm a total newb at this leather and sewing bit. Main reason I ended up here I was researching machines for nylon, scuba webbing, leather work via google. Every time I did a search on material or machines the top of the search pointed me to here. During this research, reading the posts on this forum and seeing all these people with a wealth of knowledge has truly helped this newb toward selecting his first machine.
After talking with Bob from Toledo Industrial Sewing I truly feel from his experience and for what I’ll be doing the recommended CB-3200 will make the cut starting out.
Again thanks to, and to all who are members here. Your input and knowledge is truly appreciated and I thank you so much for sharing that.
Take care, and I’m sure you’ll be seeing some topics from me needing help here very shortly
Scooter out………….