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    Marin County, California

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  1. Thank you, Rohn. And sorry that I inadvertently posted twice. Must've stutter-pushed the post button! I have looked all over about how to delete a post, and am not finding the ability to do so.
  2. Thought I would share some of my latest projects. Obviously still liking the warmth of the antiqued look. Here are a couple of sheaths for my new French-style skiving and head knives: Another one of my dog collars, always equipped with bottle opener and, this time, copper rivets: Triangular coin purse, pattern by Leodis Leather (http://www.ianatkinson.net/leather/): And I made a stitching pony based on Harry Roger's great video (http://youtu.be/Dxp4YjY85dM): And I have been making a bunch of these "minimalist" wallets for my friends: http://i1115.photobucket.com/albums/k543/ewbucket/46f2d2b413341ea7efde7f7ee835ad81.jpg That is it for now! Eric
  3. I very much like the "aged/unrefined" look (as you can see on my first projects that I just posted). Nice work!
  4. Oh maaaan! I just noticed in the photo I posted that I left the "L" off the logo for my friend Greg's cozy! Oh well - I will just tell him that his is "unique".
  5. Hi All - just got into leatherworking after watching many vids and eventually springing for a leatherworking kit with just about everything I need. Thought I would post up a few pics of my first projects. My first one - I made a pint glass cozy for my wonderful VW van mechanic. Not only does he continue to work miracles on his customers' beloved vans, but he is also a big fan of The Grateful Dead and good beer. So I made him this (I went for the vintage, "shopworn" look): Then I made a Scandanavian-style sheath for my small, Mora Classic 2.1 knive. I finished the leather in olive oil. I also sanded the red handle paint off the Mora and hit is with some olive oil as well: And now I have decided to make a bunch of pint cozies for my buddies with whom I kitesurf - so we can drink our post kitesurfing session beers in a more sophisticated manner, albeit rustic..:-) I included some "non-slip" basket weave stamping. Am thoroughly enjoying my new hobby! Cheers! ewleather
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