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    Novice leather working. Reproducing historical leather pieces.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Ammo pouches, Straps and pelt coats.
  • Interested in learning about
    Sewing machines
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  1. Hot dang it....Distance is killing me. I'd love to have this machine...
  2. Hello everyone! I'm looking to buy my first leather sewing machine. I work with 7-9 oz leather reproducing reenactment gear. I've been hand-stitching it for a while now but my hands cannot sew fast enough putting me behind on orders. I'm looking for a decent walking-foot sewing machine that can handle such thicknesses. I don't want to break bank, as I want something I can learn on. If you have something you think would help me, please email me: Fdebartolo19@aol.com Thank you for your time! Frank
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