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Everything posted by 533green

  1. Egad, I'm a dreaded newby. Humble apologies. I have lost more hair today attempting with no luck to locate an instruction manual for or pertinent to a Singer 331K104. I did find the singer parts list but that's all. And, yes, I did contact and actually speak with Singer. The lady was very cooperative and even looked in the filing cabinets but to no avail. I also visited numerous web sites and made numerous phone calls. Still no luck. Surely one of you must use this machine and can help? I'm an industrious retiree? (how can you be retired if you still work 7 days a week?) and really enjoy leather work. This machine was purchased, not to take the place of hand stitching, but for a special project which will entail several hundred like pieces of light leather best machine stitched. The machine was purchased from a retired tailor at a great price. in excellent condition, and has sewn (by him) several prototypes of my objects. Now that I have it in my shop and he is no longer available to mentor me, I could benefit by having the manual. I know this posting is too long, but I wanted to answer a lot of anticipated questions. BTW, I'm in Cortland, Ohio (near Youngstown) should anyone care to stop by.
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