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Everything posted by jethro1200

  1. I have had sucess with a foam brush to apply neats foot oil. Like Red Cent said you can't screw it up unless you put too little on.
  2. The reason the stitch line worked is someone told me to mould the gun to the rough cut holster and then sew it, hard to mess up with a line to follow. I added a picture of the back. The next holster I make like this i think a wooden block to shape the belt loop might help. Any opinions on shaping the belt loop?
  3. Hi forum members. I told my uncle "No problem, I will find a holster for your King Cobra." After looking at every gun store in town I discovered that no one seemed to make a holster for it since the gun was no longer made. Since I had told him I would I was obligated to do it. So I followed the only course open, my wife and I sat down and built the holster that is pictured here. We just needed an excuse to learn holster making anyway. If any of you have any ideas to improve our next attempt please feel free to.
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