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    Charlotte, NC

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  1. Yes, the image was done on a laser engraver. The maker space that i belong to has a couple of them. i think it turned out nice. I've used that border on a number of projects and i really like how it turns out. thanks for the comment.
  2. This is a laptop bag that i made for an archeologist who works in the Yucatan. The image on on the front is of a temple he discovered. Pic1.bmp Pic2.bmp Pic3.bmp
  3. This bag weighs in at 4lbs 11oz compared to my roller board at 7.5lbs. Now my roller board is 3" longer and 2" wider so it is a bit bigger.
  4. Thanks again for all the positive comments. Now that it is done and I'm thinking of making a companion laptop bag. As for the dimensions it is 17 3/4" length over all and i listed the other dimensions in the pic. I tried to keep it a little within what the airline considers acceptable for a carry on. I would hate to be that guy trying to stuff an over sized bag in the over head bin and i sure don't want to check it.
  5. Thanks, I appreciate the comments. The lacing was time consuming but i think it works well.
  6. This is a carry on bag that i just finished. it is my first work of any significance. My orignal plan was to add a lot more tooling to the body and lid but i soon realized that my skill level is just not up to it at this point. so i added the celtic cross on the ends and left it at that. I used 7-8oz leather so it will hold it's shape in everything short of a plane crash. Anyway, i'm happy with how it turned out and welcome feedback. thanks
  7. Thanks. I've only been working with leather for a few months. Mostly just playing around. I don't like plastic either but it is what i had on hand on Christmas eve. I think you are right about the second row of stitches. I imagine this bag will be put to some tough use by my 12 year old.
  8. Hey all; I am new to the forum and to leather work. I posted some pics of presents I made for my kids for Christmas. I still have some finishing to do but not completely sure what to do. On the satchel, I have applied carnauba cream so the finish is a little darker and looks a lot better. I still need to clean up the edges some too. Anyway, feedback and suggestions are always welcome. Thanks
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