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Everything posted by friendlytokoloshe

  1. Great spot - thanks very much! Now all I need to do is figure out how big it is and figure out a way to get AbbeyEngland to sell it to me (it seems like they don't sell to private people)!
  2. Thanks very much for the feedback! I have already given this to a friend, but good to know about prices for future reference. I hadn't thought about the handling factor! Thanks! I agree with you about the unfinished look - I pretty much designed it as I went along and had already wrecked a couple of flower center/buckle straps so I just wanted to get it over with and not take any risks. Next time I'm designing everything from the ground up!
  3. Quite new to leatherwork - this is the first piece I've designed and made after getting myself some proper leather tools. Would really appreciate any criticism as I don't really know what I'm doing (completely self taught). Another thing: with better carving and no mistakes how much would this sort of thing sell for?
  4. Hi all - posted this request on another leather forum without luck so thought I'd try here. I'd like to attach straps to a satchel using what I'll call for now an 'H-fitting' instead of, say, a D-ring + trigger hook (see accompanying 3D sketch of imagined fitting). The idea would be to attach leather to around each of the parallel ends of the fitting, much like one would attach a strap to a buckle. Does anyone know if there is a standard name for fittings like this, if they are even mass manufactured? I've looked pretty hard, but can't seem to find any similar things sold anywhere. Any help would be appreciated!
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