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About countyholster

  • Birthday 02/06/1955

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  • Gender
  • Location
    713 Nebraska St. Eugene, OR 97402
  • Interests
    Leather, leather and more leather. I typically spend 11 or so hours a day at it. Working to get more law enforcement and fire department projects. I really enjoy doing quick draw belts and holsters, all kinds of wet-forming and learning the art of color blending. Laser sight handgun holsters are a specialty and so far the word is spreading as most mfgrs to not try to offer such items. I do and spend the extra time to ensure quality and affordability.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Holsters, mag pouches, sheaths & shooting belts.
  • Interested in learning about
    Odd holsters, shoulder harnesses, IWB. Tooling? - not sure about that though.
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Internet search

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  1. I am so stoked! I completed a shoulder holster outfit for a Linn County Sheriffs Department posse member and he picked it up yesterday. He was so excited...it fit like the harness was part of him and the angle of the Para Ordnance .45 was perfect for his draw. The double mag pouch on the right side fit like a charm and the belt loops supported the entire outfit. I used wide shoulder leathers and he thought it was the best. For $200 he was pleased, pleased and pleased. I used bison fo...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Studio-N


      Kudos. A happy customer means more orders

    3. countyholster


      Thanks on the comments. I haven't posted the pic of the shoulder harness as they really don't look much more than a pile of scrap until worn. Just got a job doing a Mare's leg & an 1873 .45 gun belt combo. It'll really be sharp in about a week. Working on spiffing up my tooling and seems to be going ok so far. John

    4. BondoBobCustomSaddles


      Always feels good when you get that kind of response.

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