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About countyholster

  • Rank
  • Birthday 02/06/1955

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    713 Nebraska St. Eugene, OR 97402
  • Interests
    Leather, leather and more leather. I typically spend 11 or so hours a day at it. Working to get more law enforcement and fire department projects. I really enjoy doing quick draw belts and holsters, all kinds of wet-forming and learning the art of color blending. Laser sight handgun holsters are a specialty and so far the word is spreading as most mfgrs to not try to offer such items. I do and spend the extra time to ensure quality and affordability.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Holsters, mag pouches, sheaths & shooting belts.
  • Interested in learning about
    Odd holsters, shoulder harnesses, IWB. Tooling? - not sure about that though.
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Internet search

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  1. Another uplifting day yesterday! I started a real nice double gun belt with a Mare's leg .45 & an 1873 .45 cross-draw. 18 loop, bison lined belt and fine leather lined throat. Then a Captain with Eugene/Springfield Fire Dept messages saying he likes my work and wants to help out getting me into his circle of friends. Wow, and shazaam! Like Casey Kasem said - "keep your eyes to the skies and your feet on the ground". I love it when a plan comes together:)

    1. BondoBobCustomSaddles


      Good for you John! Glad to see you doing well.

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