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Posts posted by Hilly

  1. That would be fine however, I think that FedEx would be a better bet. They seem to take better care of stuff in transit, especially if it's insured for a lot of money, or if it could break their toes if they happen to get in the way. I also think they have trucks with hydraulic lifts, which is what it will take to get this on a truck. The machine head alone weighs approx. 80 lbs., and the stand it is on weighs well at least twice that. Plus FedEx always requires a signature, meaning they won't just leave it on your front porch during a monsoon, and drive away. :)

  2. Hi all. It's been quite some time since I've checked in here, and this place has really changed since my last visit!

    I'm down on my luck with my husband being unemployed for the last 10 months, and no unemployment benefits at all. We are out of funds in the bank, and the bills never stop coming, and I am forced to start selling my own stuff just to make the bills, as my job just doesn't pay me enough. :bawling:

    I have a Cobra Class 3 Leather Machine which was used only a few times since I bought it new. I never got comfortable with it, and have continued to sew by hand, so it is in like new condition (just a bit dusty). I am asking $1500.00 for it, you pick up. I live in central Wisconsin. Anyone interested?

  3. Sorry to hear of your loss.

    Here's a little something to give you hope that one day you will see Chloe again.


    Rainbow Bridge

    There is a bridge connecting heaven and earth

    It is called Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors

    Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows,

    hills, valleys with lush green grass

    When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this special place

    There is always food and water and warm spring weather

    The old and frail are young again

    Those who are maimed are made whole again

    They play all day with each other

    There is only one thing missing

    They are not with their special person who loved them on Earth

    So each day they run and play until the day comes

    when one suddenly stops playing and looks up !

    The nose twitches !

    The ears are up !

    The eyes are staring !

    And this one suddenly runs from the group !

    You have been seen, and when you and your special friend meet,

    you take him or her into your arms and embrace

    your face is kissed again and again,

    and you look once more into the eyes of your trusting pet

    Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never again to be separated

    Author Unknown

  4. Your collars and leads are beautifully done. There's only one thing that I would change... Those cool looking spikes could hurt the dog that wears that collar.

    I would switch from those pointed spikes to a flatter diamond or spots. Dogs try to scratch around or under their collars, and getting a sharp spike in the foot would not make for a happy dog.

    Other than that small detail, your work is really nice. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Here's a couple belts I just finished. The one with MB on the tip turned out really sweet. I used a new pattern with some scrolls in it, and I really like how it worked. The other one turned out okay, but I sure like the MB pattern better. Let me know what ya'll think. Thanks for looking and stay blessed.

    Not bad work for being a dead cow molester and all. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Here's one more floral portfolio notebook. This is the last one on order for a while. I think it turned out pretty good minus the boo boo's. There's one sure enough oops that a customer will never see, but is glaring to me. :bawling: Now it's 3 rope cans and a saddle. As always, any critiques or comments are welcome. Be blessed gang.

    You are SUCH a rookie! :thumbsdown:

    Seriously, NICE work, as always!


  7. Bob Douglas seems to make the best ones out there from most reports. Ken @ Caldeon in Calgary is where I got mine from. Tried a few others first, but won't go back now. They weren't cheap ($25? Can't remember), but worth every penny.

    I agree, Bob Douglas makes THE best awls money can buy. Just be glad you can't remember, 'cuz you'd go into sticker shock.:whistle:

  8. I've used deer antler for burnishing. Just moisten the edge of the leather, and rub it vigorously with the antler. I rub it on "intersection" of the main beam and one of the points, where the surface curves. I wouldn't worry about catching a disease from an antler. Everyone I know has handled them for years, and nobody I know has ever gotten sick from it. I don't think it would be a good idea to put it in your mouth, or make it into soup, though :)

  9. Yes they should.

    Nice guitar. Im saving for a D35 but Im at least a year away from getting it.


    The D-35 is also a nice guitar. I'm sure you're gonna love it when the time comes.

    I got mine through Sweetwater.com. Good prices and SUPERB service.

    Look for plywood door skin used to make hollow core doors. Very thin, very strong. Far lighter and stronger than Masonite/hardboard.

    Where did you learn about this, and where can I look at some? Sounds expensive, but strength is a good thing when it contains a very expensive instrument.

    Never mind. Plywood door skin AKA Lauan Plywood. About $10 a sheet at Lowes. I'll eyeball some tomorrow.

  10. Masonite is a brand name for Tempered Hardboard. Home Dept normally has it in stock. 1/8" 4'x8' sheet goes for $8.48 in Denver. YMMV

    Which Model Martin did you get? Is it new or an older model?


    I bought a brand new GPCPA3. I've had it since May, and I absolutely love it.

    I just checked out your link, and that hardboard does not look like the stuff I remember as a kid, but I'll check it out. Menard's or Home Depot should have something similar?

  11. I have been contemplating making a guitar case for ages now. I bought myself a really nice Martin guitar, and I want a really nice home for it. The time has finally come to stop thinking and start doing.

    I'm starting to round up all the materials I will need for the job, but I need a suggestion for a stiffener. You can't get "Masonite" any more, and I'm sort of at a loss. 1/8" plywood would be way too heavy. Something like matt board would not be sturdy enough. Some type of plastic might pose a problem with cementing between the leather outer and the lining. Whatever I end up using needs to be long enough to use a single piece.


  12. The one pictured says it uses a metal frame.

    A thin aluminium box does sound best, light but sturdy ( they are surprisingly heavy to carry, especially when full)

    I've never worked with a metal frame, how well does glue take to it?

    Is there a particular "The Art of Making Leather Cases" book I should pick up that focuses on these hard sided cases? They usually seem to be forgotten or very briefly discussed in books.

    Thanks for all the responses

    "The Art of Making Leather Cases" III is the one you should look at. The instructions are very in depth. Although a lot of the projects in these books are quite dated, the techniques used are still sound.

  13. OK boys and girls, I thought we should talk about some of the more glamorous aspects of saddle shop life. A lady just brought me a real nice 1994 world congress trophy saddle, that has been on display in a secluded corner of their den for all its years. The problem is for sometime a small family dog was relieving himself on the lower fender at the stirrup bend on the side next to the wall where it sat (fire the maid).

    This brings me to my two questions. 1: What would you do to clean it up, and get the smell out?

    2: How can I get my wife to do this job?

    Any help would be appreciated especially on my second question....... Jeff

    Hi Jeff. I remember seeing a commercial about urine removal spray of some kind. Why don't you ask your local animal hospital what they use to get dog urine out? If all else fails, ask a hospital what takes urine out.

    As to question #2... 'Bout the only way I can see your poor wife cleaning pee is if you were in a coma or worse. After all, that's what husbands are for, isn't it? :) :) :):P

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