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  1. It took me a while to figure out what was going on with mine. First, make sure you cleared the thread that got stuck. You'll probably have to remove the bobbin from the case to get the piece of thread out. If the bobbin doesn't turn smoothly, then you've still got a jam. Once you've got this done and reengage the clutch, you have to make sure the timing marks line up. Otherwise it won't be timed correctly. Flip your machine over and make sure the two marks line up, one on the lower shaft and one on the sprocket where the clutch is located. You have to time these in two places -- syncing the top and bottom shafts and also at the hook. Most of these 115s appear to have bobbin shafts that are notched to hold them in place, at least when they came to the factory. If the notch is not set, it _could_ slip there. But I'd check and make sure the shafts are timed up first.
  2. Thanks Eric! I found the problem with it sliding back into place -- at some point in the machine's history, the tang that holds the clutch in place, allowing it to click back had been removed. A well=placed screwdriver did the trick (btw, love your employer's products). The problem occurred after I had removed the material. I recently added a new servo motor and now the pedal is more sensitive. I had my foot on the foot like I used to do, and the machine took off and jammed.
  3. Hi everyone, I had a question for the group here before I haul my machine across town to get worked on. Yesterday while I was sewing, I hit the pedal after I had removed my material, causing a jam. This has happened before, but this time the safety clutch was popped. By this I mean that when I turned the handwheel the bobbin and gears remained stationary while the needle and needle bar moved. I see the procedures to reengage the clutch (hold down the right button on the deck, turn the wheel away from you) but when I do that, the clutch doesnt click back into place. I'm assuming that the notched part of the clutch clicks into the cut part of the driveshaft, but when I rotate the handwheel nothing clicks into place. Can anyone help? I hope that I'm doing something wrong, since I'd rather not lose several days of productivity getting it repaired. Thanks!
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