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Stitch Dex Holsters

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Everything posted by Stitch Dex Holsters

  1. Glad to hear you are happy with the project. It looks like you stitched all the way through the leather. I am curious to know if the thread will irritate someone when they wear it next to their skin. That was one of my concerns. Nice job! Please let us know how it does.
  2. i just realized it says suede on the picture. Sorry its not suede, it's veg tanned pigskin. I like the idea of double layers of 3/4 4/5. The pigskin seems to hold the gun in the holster and then let loose all at once if that makes any sence. sticky is the best way I would describe it. I will pick up some thinner leather and give that a try.
  3. I have recently started trying my hand at all leather lined holsters. As you can see form the pictures, I am not getting the definition I would like to get when I do the forming. I am using 7-9 ounce leather and was thinking since I was lining it that it would help to go a bit thinner on the outer leather. Does this sound right or do I just need more practice. Ok..Ok I know I need more practice especially after seeing the ones BHPshooter put in the gallery the other day….WOW very nice work! This one does not have a liner but still is heavy leather
  4. Great job! thanks for taking the time to post it.
  5. This is a concern of mine also. When I glue the back on, I coat the back side of the stitching heavely in an attempt to stop all of the movemrnt possible. I guess only time will tell but I feel good that it will last.
  6. That means a lot... I thought this would be a tough crowd to please with a piece of Kydex attached anywhere to leather . Im not sure this type of holster really has a place. Leather guys want leather and if you like Kydex well.....you like Kydex alone. I guess I am an odd Duck.
  7. Thank you! Here is one I finished up today for a buddy of mine.
  8. Im sure this has happened, but I think they call that thinning the herd On this type of holster it would be highly unlikely. I am not a fan of full Kydex holsters, but I do like mixing leather and Kydex. I make full leather and the hybrid and for looks I like the full leather, BUT for comfort I cant find anything close to the hybrids. I had given up on conceal carry in IWB style until I made these.
  9. Thanks for the input. That was a problem one the first few I made because I wanted the stitch line to go all the way around. Once I quit worring about that I could make it easy to get a hold of the grip. The last pic showing the back was one of the first couple I made and it suffered from that problem.
  10. Here are a few holster I have made. I have not been doing this long but I am pretty happy with my results. I make a different kind of hybrid holster....Well a little different. I never liked the rivets used to hold the kydex on the leather of a normal hybrid. I also didn't like how flimsy (is that a word?) and the hardware showing in the back. So I decided to make what I would like to see. The Stitch Dex holster is what I came up with. I know its not for everyone but it is comfortable. Do you guys think I may be on to something. Or am I about to go down in a horrible manner
  11. Let us know what you think. I am curious how all of this turn out
  12. I have seen you help so many people including me I wanted to help you on my first post. Here is a link to the foam I use. http://www.knifekits.com/vcom/index.php?cPath=41_524 I use two one inch pieces on top and a thinner yoga mat on the bottom. It molds the leather well; a vacuum former does a little better job but seems to be more trouble than it’s worth for me. I also use a thin silicone rubber sheet between the gun and foam. This keeps the gun from tearing the foam and when I do Kydex it keeps the heat from the kydex from burning the foam. It really extends the life of everything. http://www.mcmaster.com/#catalog/120/3560/=r8hh6v I hope this helps
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