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Everything posted by Tatyana

  1. Thank you! This is my design. The idea arose when studying creativity of the Kazakhstan artist Erali Ospanuli. Images of people are small parts from his huge pictures.I represented them as I find it possible it to make on leather. Cracks as on the soil in the steppe, I drew without sketches, it is direct on the belt. Also I used the photo of the real tree of steppes - a saxaul, for creation of a site with branches. Excuse for my bad English
  2. Сover for keys "Dragon". Custom-made. Size not the standard. As the big key (12 cm) has to be located.
  3. I started learning to work with leather 7.06. 2011 . Three years turn out)))) Many thanks!
  4. Handbag Womanly classics, grace and coquetry... Size: 26 см*18 cm Length of the handle is 94 cm
  5. Thanks to all! The internal part is attached by a rivet. External - it is sewn manually.
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