I have used mahy differrent brands and the solvent based ones have all worked quite well. They are all flexible . Weldwood and Lepages as well have worked as well as some store branded. With the water based glues i prefer the white ones as the blue or green tend to show up if there is any extra glue.getting where you don't want it. If you are not sure just buy a quart container first. OWith some glues I will double coat to get a good bond.
Thanks for the reply. By local building supply, i am asuming that the brand is probably something along the line of Weldwood? I am always a little suspect of the "true"differences in glues as i was about epoxies until I learned that most of them are derivitives of the same Shell product. With that being said, have you seen much difference in performance compared to traditional shoe type glues? I imagine not or you wouldn't use it. Also, any performance differences in water based vs. solvent based? I'm always interested in saving what few brain cells I have left. Switched over to water bourne wood finishes years ago building casework. Can you reveal your brand?
Mike in Rome