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  • Leatherwork Specialty

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  1. Hi There are some new short videos of George Koleff making tools and demonstrating their use, and also an old technique for sewing uppers to insoles and then sewing the sole on by hand. This last technique may be useful to other leathercrafters at some time. Tim www.shoemakingbook.com
  2. Chris Speaking on behalf of my book, Simple Sandalmaking, the $101 includes postage and is Australian Dollars, cheaper in $US, but if you want to start a business it's got everything you need to start, all sizes and patterns and instructions and hole placements are provided. Tim www.shoemakingbook.com
  3. Thanks mate, it's easy to get sidetracked isn't it? This one should have been finished this time a year ago. Tim
  4. Hi I have a website supplying a variety of plaiting, whipmaking, and leatherwork books, including my own two books, Bespoke Shoemaking, and Simple Sandalmaking. Please feel free to have a look at http://www.shoemakingbook.com Tim
  5. Hi I have just published a new sandalmaking book, "Simple Sandalmaking, A Step-By-Step Guide to Sandals Anyone Can Make", it is probably more for the leathercrafter than shoemakers like my last book. It contains all the sizes and patterns for making 10 different styles of sandal, mainly those with a sliding adjustable strap. Perfect for making just one pair, or starting a business. All the sole and insole outlines with marks for punching holes etc, and instructions on threading up straps and attaching buckles. Anyone who is interested can see it at my website, http://www.shoemakingbook.com I also carry a range of plaiting, leatherwork, and whipmaking books for leathercrafters. Tim
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