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  1. Can you elaborate on the difference between the two I thought that V out was 20 V and 16 V, maybe you already know something that no one knows about the equipment. Thank You Where did you buy yours??
  2. I you are using Giardini's paint and like to have better edges I will suggest that you get the primer and the semi dense or dense colorless paint, apply it to the edges before you color them, once you do that you can use the Fileteuse to smooth the paint coats,but also the nice thing about the tool is the creasing detail that produces on the edges and also you can use it to mark the leather before you punch holes. If you are on a budget get it from Randall campbell, they have a version of the tool that is fare and if you do some research you ca save couple hundred dollars getting the parts someplace else.
  3. If you buy two small units is better than buying the double unit because if something goes wrong with the machine you would have to send it back to get fixed, if you have the singles and one goes bad you have the back up and be able to keep working. In reference to the paint I use and italian brand line that has more options to achieve a better result with the edges, but is all about preferences.
  4. Single Creasing Iron w/Guide @ Fine Leather working .com $ 58.00
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