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  • Gender
  • Location
    Kent , UK
  • Interests
    leather , jazz Music,

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LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    satchel bags Belts ,wallets
  • Interested in learning about
    leather making
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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Member (2/4)

  1. Hi all I am trying to make a moulded bag. 10/9/4 inc. how much extra should I allow over the mould on all sides apart from the top thanks
  2. thanks , for the feedback.appreciated
  3. hi all Do you wet mould only a veg tan leather, I am trying to see if I should try an idea for a bag on a oil/wax brown or black leather I have, I am trying to avoid doing a gusset on the bag.So I though i try wet moulding the piece thanks all Ayodele
  4. wow, that is nice, congrats
  5. Hi I recently applied a Eco-Flo Gel Antique on a veg tan product I did, buffed it to get rid of the excess, waited for a day to dry .then proceeded to apply C Wax,the next thing i noticed was that the it was all coming of, showing all sort of streaks on the leather . And i noticed it if comes in contact with water. Have i missed anything in my process,if yes what should I be doing. Appreciate the help I can get cheers ayo
  6. I started leather craft ,when a rucksack I bought from morocco gave way by yje straps, I went for a day course , bought Al Stolhman book, started buying tools . and spending time on youtube Ian Atkinson ,Neil Amitage ,and others that i felt useful. mostly I also learn by doing as well ayodele
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