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  1. Hey all! I'm currently in the market for a sewing machine capable of sewing waxed canvas and up to 5 oz of leather (think totes, etc.). I currently have a Cobra Class 4 I use for the heavy stuff but I'm needing something better suited for lighter weighted material. I've looked into the cobra class 18-20, the techsews, and others. I see many use Consews as well as Juki's and others. I know pretty much any of these will do the job but price is a factor as well and would really appreciate any thoughts/feedback. I live in the Nashville area if anyone knows a great place to visit to test out various machines. Also, I really think one that you can sit at with a table will be better suited than a cylinder arm. Thanks!
  2. I've been looking and haven't found the answer yet. If I've missed it, my apologies. I really like using the oiled show harness leather (specifically show harness from W&C, the tan just looks great) for bags etc. I know it's not good for stamping designs. My question is: What would be the best way to put your brand/logo on this type of leather? Stamp? Brand? Something else I don't know about? Also, if anyone knows what would glue this leather together would be a great help. I have tried cement and super glue with no success. There is a latex one I tried that had some success, but it was still easily separated. Any help or advice would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  3. Same here, I have heard nothing but great things so I gave them a try. Got a reply at the beginning, said she would get back to me...nothing. Emailed again...nothing. If you are slammed, just say so, I'll check back later or go somewhere else. The whole silence thing is irritating.
  4. Not really. I've thought about nylon, I know that's what is used most of the time in leather. Just concerned about thread fading over a long period of time, particularly with bags. Should I not be? I know saddleback leather and a couple other places have started pushing the use of polyester as a benefit.
  5. I spoke with a representative this morning about ordering some various colors of 277 polyester thread. She told me they were discontinuing all but black and white, maybe a brown. You can go to their website and see the colors are gone. Thought this may be good to know for some of you guys. Can someone direct me to another good source for 277 bonded polyester in various colors?
  6. First post guys! I've already learned a lot from everyone here at leatherworker, so thanks to all. I'm starting a leather goods company soon, leaning toward bags belts and wallets. I've looked at all the suppliers big and small of hardware that I've found mentioned on this site and have found a lot to like. My question is if I do not want a shiny finish and instead want "antiqued, matte, etc" finish what are my options? I would prefer everything be brass/stainless steal, but if someone tells me alloys are just as good and the reasons why I'll listen. I know buckle guy has the matte nickel, and I like it, just seeing what else may be out there I haven't found yet. Also, if I may, are buckle guy's prices reasonable? I've seen some posts on here where people have purchased a hundred plus from some places and buckles come out to be thirty to fifty cents. Are these of lower quality? One more also, has anyone use sxindustries? I have seen his posts on here asking to check him out, but have not found any info from third parties or reviews. The website has what appear to be a few links to nowhere and some with no pictures. Lot of questions I know, I'm a little stumped when it comes to the hardware. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
  7. Never used these guys, but knew of them. https://www.umx.info/logo-buttons-1.htm
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