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About gunnerdoc

  • Birthday 01/06/1969

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  • Interests
    Leather carving/stamping hobby

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  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. I am interested in purchasing the #8144 Rodeo Style alphabet stamps. If anyone is interested in selling them. Or, knows of someone who would be interested in parting with their set? Please contact me at devinsoutham@gmail.com . I am willing to pay. Not steal them from anyone! Thank you! Sincerely, Devin S. P.s. I love this site! Thank you!
  2. I purchased some 2 lb. weight bags that are a neoprene filled with shot. You can get them online at any diver supply shop. They work great and won't mark or stain your work. Good luck!
  3. What type/ size of laser is needed or is best for making and etching delrin in the production of craftaids and plastic templates? I am thinking of purchasing a laser for this purpose and would love any advise you might give. Thanks!
  4. I am really enjoying picking up leather working after some twenty years. I was an avid leather working artisan in high school. Life takes us down busy roads. I have begun again. It has been awesome. Does anyone out there in leather land know how the actual craftaids are made? Is it a laser etching onto a plastic delrin? Is it heat formed, or possibly pressure formed ridges? I am very interested in the actual process of making the scribed lines on the plastic sheets. Thank you for any input you might give in this matter. Sincerely, Gunner doc
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