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Everything posted by Antispin

  1. I really respect everyone's no-nonsense attitude toward this subject (especially leatherwytch). I myself never understood the raised prices of organic farming until I worked on a pesticide/GMO-free farm and man, was it WORK! Same with leathercraft. The average person hasn't got even the smallest clue as to what goes into true handmade products, which is why NVLeatherWorx's strategy of tooling live at his booth is genius, to really show the time and mastery it takes. Being agitated at what a layman will offer for a handcrafted leather item is no good because his lack of experience in the field is not his fault. But that doesn't mean you should value your craft any less. Charge what you think it is truly worth and stand behind it confidently. As a second-year business owner, I charge $15/hr plus the cost of materials and a small upcharge for all the tools I invested in, no matter who I'm selling it to (online stranger, close friend, co-worker, family member, etc) because I believe that is what my work is worth at this level of experience. As I become more experienced like some of these members, I will certainly increase my rate.
  2. Really cool. I especially like the wood pattern you tooled in, and the red laces. One question though, when you say you "dyed" them white, do you mean you painted them with acrylic, or there's actually such a thing as white dye? I've been looking all over for white leather dye/bleach to do some accents on my pieces but it doesn't seem to exist...
  3. When you say: I'm not sure what you mean by that, because after you block dye the edges with the black, you go over the whole piece with the brown, (including the parts you just block dyed black) so it should look like it permeates the entire piece. That being said, while I think this is possible with a block dye, it looks more like an airbrush to me. Did you ever contact him to see how he did it?
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