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Everything posted by chleblove

  1. Does someone have a simple boiled down list or a quick reference for specifically which dyes or stains or pigments (water based and alcohol based and so on) will and will not work with which finishes? Will be working with veg tanned I don't mind a trial and error process as far as color and look, but I don't want to ruin something because I used a dye that wasn't compatible with the finish I picked chemically something. This will be for fashion type wearable on skin and/or clothes, what would anyone recommend to make sure I don't get color bleed if that is even an issue worth worrying about. Any help would be great
  2. So you use a single diamond shaped awl but not a speed stitch awl with a thread bobbin, right? Do you have any opinion on using those 2x, 4x, and 6x diamond shaped awls (the ones that look like little forks)? Do those have a special purpose or is it just a personal preference thing?
  3. May I also be added to this section? May I also be added to this section?
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