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Everything posted by ormus1

  1. does the chemical odor eventually go away with the salad bowl finish? I tried some on an older mug that needed to be sealed. Its much easier to work with than Envirotex but it has left a very strong chemical smell.
  2. Wow Prince Your leatherwork is truly awesome. thanks for sharing!
  3. Thanks Hellfire, but I think the Salad Bowl Finish was to be used on the inside. this person told me that they used a lacquer to seal the outside so that when a person drank from it , they wouldnt remove off the dye/acrylic etc..
  4. I was told once that lacquer finishes are safe to coat the outside of drinking vessels for use... Im not sure about that. I know that once lacquer cures its supposed to be inert. Anyone know if this is true or not?
  5. Hmm yes they do seem blotchy when I use the reducer. when it comes to the cross dye method, do you let the base color dry completely before applying the top color to get the color effect.
  6. Im sure this has been asked but I couldnt find it. I read the books on mixing dyes and using the reducers. My issue is understanding the procedure. when I mix dyes or thinner with the dye ( using the ratios in the various books) I dont get a color, I get a dark wet area with slight color at the edges when it dries. Also when using the cross dye method, do I wait for the base color to be completely dry before I apply the top color to achieve a different effect? Im trying to get away from acrylics for lighter colors, thanks in advance.
  7. Ive used Envirotex with my mugs for years. A while back it was actually listed as food safe, but as laws change they had to remove it from the packages.
  8. Thanks very much! dont see how I missed this site in a google search.
  9. Ive seen the various versions of lamellar plates that have been posted on this board as well as several others dedicated to armor construction. All seem to deal with the lacing styles of just a few. ( usually Wisby, Byzantine etc,,) What I havent been able to find is information on how to lace some of the more obscure plate styles. ( Khazak, Mongol, Nepalese etc..) Does anyone know of any sources ( either on line or in books) on how these plates where laced? Thanks guys. Dominic
  10. Really Cool looking. Well done!
  11. Here are photos of my first set of bracers, that I made for a friend of mine ( and customer ):
  12. Angster, I've been wanting to branch off and use the more traditional sealing process. Does the 1/1 mixture affect the taste of the brew? I pal around with a few folks that are brewers and they as well as I have heard that beeswax will taint the flavor of various drinks. Thanks and I absolutely love the braided handle mug! Fantastic!
  13. It does harden as any epoxy does. I spread it using foam brushes ( like those found at paint supplies stores or major home improvement stores).
  14. Thanks guys. I seal my mugs with food grade epoxy. Many of my friends tend to drink brews that are to high of an alcohol content for the brews pitch/beeswax combo. Plus many like to use them for warmer drinks in the cooler months up this way.
  15. Here are a few photos of some of the mugs I've made for myself and a few friends
  16. Thanks to you both. I do like the "traditional" look of the bracers with out the rolled edge, however I may still have to go with it ( the customer is always right). Thanks again for the tips and info.
  17. Hello everyone, first of all Im not officially a newbie. I did sign up a while back but, do to the crazy economy of the past year or so, my life has had to change several times before I could focus on doing leather work again. My main leather work has been leather mugs and scroll tubes. So my apologies for never posting or participating. My question is this; Im about to attempt my first set of bracers for a friend. I noticed that on some bracers they have what appears to be a "rolled" edge that is sewn down. This edge appears to provide comfort ( I assume) since it is softer that the surrounding leather. Are there any patterns or perhaps does anyone know how this is done? Thanks in advance, and I look forward to posting and participating in the group. Dominic
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