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About crow

  • Birthday 07/14/1975

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  • Leatherwork Specialty

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  1. happy birthday

  2. ... i told her size doesnt matter but she didn`t listen... crow
  3. thanks everybody, no roo, cow i quess, veg tanned and colored myself. PS. my girlfriend came home today and said the long pineapple is too big, so after finishing it yesterday evening i cut it off today in the morning. cant fight women ) crow
  4. hi guys, did some braiding. And once again my selfphone camera eats all the colors. try to imagine the true colors are nice bright red and dark black. and here is also an old useless saddle i tried stamping on for very first time a month ago. Probably im the only stupid here who stamped right on the ready made saddle. Just didn`t have thick leather around and i was so excited to try. all the best crow
  5. KAW excellent work! Hopefully someday catch you up. Would be nice if one whos starting a new project takes pics of progress and post as tutorial. Imagine how many tutorials we could have and how much we could learn...just dreaming. crow
  6. crow

    pineapple question

    congrats. Entiendo i think this knot by rawhide1 is the 4 turn knot. It is also in Gails book, where she explaines how to expand the knots, 2 X in front and 1 in back. check the link below, this is 3 turn knot http://www.khww.net/readarticle.php?article_id=47 and thanks guys for kind words crow
  7. crow

    pineapple question

    finally finished. Started all over again 4-5 times to be satisfied. The black and red color have a nice bright tone, but selfphone`s camera does its work. crow
  8. crow

    pineapple question

    well, Sorry guys for this long confusing thread, i should have waited for my books instead of tortureing you here. Got my GH books set today. I`m truely impressed of the clarity of explanations. All the books are even handsigned by autor. I guess i`m a better braider now just having these books crow
  9. crow

    pineapple question

    started all over again, the first one was too tight in narrow places, too wide strings i guess. The second one one the pics is too loose, too much open space. Its 6 bight. Should i increase the bights or redo with wider lace, what you think. As you see there are lots of places with different width. Your suggestions how would you cover it are warmly welcome. I`d like to keep the lace quite narrow, maybe 2mm. RIght now it is 6 bight, do you think adding bights, 8bights for example, will loose gaps in narrow part? I m going to fill the wide part later with o3 or o4 if 3 is not enough. crow
  10. crow

    pineapple question

    Thanks once again Mike, i got it this time. "split where you can" was all i needed to know. all the best crow
  11. crow

    pineapple question

    ...i just can`t end this thread... I increase it to 6 bight but now i`m strugling with o2 interwave. As i understand basicly going up follow the string left, down follow the string right, am i right? Fisrt 2 turns up and down under the cross. then i just follow the left and right string. If it is going under 2 to i just follow under 2 right? top and bottom will be u3 from this point. Now if take a look at Grants book the instructions of small PA, somehwere it starts like o2 u1 o1 u1 o1 u3 , then if my knot is longer should i go like o2 u2 o1 u1 etc. What i mean is that should i increase this formula someway for long pineapple. For more explanation: Grants book: o1, u1 etc o2 u1 o1 etc o2 u2 o1 etc o2 u2 o2 u2 o1 etc and last is all the way o2 u2 etc How should i change this formula for my purpose? hopfully this question wasn`t more difficult to understand than answer itself thanks in advance
  12. crow

    pineapple question

    Mike , i did it. thanks man. Hopefully lots of other people get some help from this thread too. crow
  13. crow

    pineapple question

    Mike`, Thank you so far helping me out, i think im almost done, some last questions. turn up red string u1o1u1o1u1turn going over two down u1o2u1o2u1 turn o2 green string going up u1o2u1o2u1o1 turn down u1o1u1o1u1o1u1o1u1o1u1o1 turn u1 n As you see on the pic i`m on the o1 (the bold letters) with working end. Now i cant find where to go u1. crow
  14. crow

    pineapple question

    Thanks Mike for finding time to take these pics. I almost got it but still have some confuson in some places "2nd pass going up. purple string wrap around again when you get to the top go o1,down turn and go u1o1u1o1u1(standing end)o1" - I`m going over every lace anyway why this o1 before turn then? I also found this thread in knot heads forum http://www.khww.net/readarticle.php?article_id=53 Isn`t it the same with 3 bights? Then is the sequence of adding bights to 2 turn PA different then on 1 turn? crow
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