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Everything posted by leetpuma

  1. Thanks for the reply. I tried using lexol with an spray bottle on an pair of suede new balance 620's and it worked alright I just had to not touch the nap and the beads of conditioner soaked in pretty evenly. I got some nicer suede from the local tandy leather factory so ill have to try that one and report back. It really is amazing to me that no one has run into the conditioning suede problem before. If anyone else has a solution i would love to hear it.
  2. Hey everyone, I know I have seen suede cleaners on the market. And suede protectors. But I never see any suede conditioners. I have a feeling: Suede Cleaners -> Dry out suede (remove dirt with soap) Suede Protectors -> Dry out suede (make suede waterproof with protective coating) Suede Conditioners -> I cannot find on the open market. I was almost thinking of taking some lexol and putting it into an spray bottle and seeing if that works without ruining the nap. Any thoughts or am I missing something? Or does suede for some reason really never need conditioning?
  3. Thank you very much!!! I did not know that SPI was not a huge issue with reguards to structural integrity. For somereason in my head i had this idea that i would shread the leather if I went too high SPI on a thick leather. I have a few bags in mind that I will be making for fun. I will start with smaller projects from the stolhman books and see how far i get. I my final goal will be to make a briefcase like some of them posted here: http://www.styleforum.net/t/34253/briefcase-porn-thread Image gallery: http://www.styleforum.net/t/34253/lightbox/ Eventually i would like to build this bag: With leather that I have stained to look like:
  4. What is the maximum oz/mm thickness of leather can I sew with 7 spi? (And 8 SPI ?) I was hoping to make a bag that was 9-10oz thick. I seem to like finer stiches as an an asthetic choice. To me it look alot less western/cowboy and more working-profesional.
  5. (I am buying my first pricking iron) Here are some of the stiches per inch that I would like to replicate: And not SPI that look like: And if I was using this SPI what size leather (mm/oz) would i be using?
  6. I repl I replied to you in the other thread. That sounds very much like what is happeneing here.
  7. So I think you need to be using OIL based dye not water based. Oil floats on the water causing the colors. So does that just mean I need to get some oil based dye through it in thin pan of water stir/agitatie it lightly with a comb and lay my leather down on top of it? Beggs the question can you get enough dye on in one dip to be done? If I have to do multiple dips will my patterns overlap? Should I start with an very lightly stained piece and then do the dip? How much dye goes to waste in thie process?
  8. I have always just used oil/ water based dyes out of the bottle and had decent uniform dyes. But as of late a marbled dye that I saw really caught my attention. This pic is big click it. Does anyone know how this was done? Are they chemicals needed to displace the colors at certain points? (Or to force certain colors not to get wiped away?) Was it a multi layering dyeing process? (I see brown green yellow and maybe a hint of red?) Did the person somehow sponge various colors down? Did the person use a dropper to make those rain-drop looking water marks? Any help would be apprciated!!! Thanks. P.S. This came from a blog: http://bookbinderschronicle.blogspot.com/2012/08/custom-portfolio-folder.html More pics at her blog
  9. This is the site he is talking about http://www.leathercrafttools.com/
  10. Ah i see I guess for some tools i know I must have ill go with goodsjapan and try them out. Otherwise I guess ill go chinese for experimentation to learn if its a tool I use often enough. Thanks for the expedited shipping hint. I would have gone free and been sad.
  11. Thank you fot the thought out reasonable responce I am just an dude that happens to want to make a nice breifcase with no current intention of doing resellable work I guess that this would probably be a nice starting place for me to just get the minimal tools that I could need and later invest in better versions of the ones I use often enough. Again thank you very much!!! Good to know for pricking irons i was originally looking at the dixon ones and some of the seiwa ones. But as I was searching around I was thinking there is quite a bit I do not know about tools now so it would be better to get a sampler pack and try everything and then go back and buy ones for real.
  12. Has anyone bought stuff from one of the chinese suppliers on ebay? How bad was the quality? I am new to leather work and would like a set of tools to start without having to shell out 100+ for an inital set of tools. The reviews look decent for the user but I am still worried about the supplier. The user that I found was named giantbo. I put a few links below. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Leather-craft-Hand-Sewing-Tool-Prongs-Set-8-Kit-1-5x3-2x4-2-5x5-3x6-2x5-3-38MM-/251597486471?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&var=&hash=item3a9460f987 http://www.ebay.com/usr/giantbo?_trksid=p2047675.l2559 Any info/experiences with cheaper tools would be appreciated. Thanks!!!
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