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  1. Thank you Camano I'll give that a go and I have checked out the Kelly site but it only shows their new range of geometric shapes and I'll continue my search through forums. I'm started getting back into this great craft and the search for tools and patterns and I've got some leather coming so my fun and cottage industry begins. Cheers Bob
  2. I'm looking for a copy or or pdf scans of the tools made by Midas / Kelly Tools New Zealand as I'm trying collect them for my future use I was luck enough to snag 20 tools just recently a mix of them either marked Midas or Kelly even one marked Leathercraft Tools NZ #196 which chrome not gold anodized I must get to somewhere with a sonic cleaner or similar to bring them back to a nice clean a more usable state as they are a bit on the dirty side from storage and lack of use. Cheers Bob
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