I'm new to the website, but not to leather working. Along the way I self taught lacing, stitching, carving, dyeing and finishing from books and pamphlets. I've done some work in the past, like a gun belt and two holsters (the one on the right is a cross draw) for my wife and my checkbook folder. I also made the possibility bag back in 1997-98 (?) that has been my constant companion ever since, carrying the checkbook, cellphones, loose change, receipts, key fob and keys, folding knife, badges and passes, et cetera. I wore out the shoulder strap, several years ago, that was laced to the two side gussets, but have not repaired it because I'm going to make a new and improved bag. I must admit these are not very professional, but they met the need.
Now I'm going to improve designs, quality of work and finishing. Maybe even make some pocket money.