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Everything posted by DRY

  1. Just thought I'd give my two cents worth, I bought a Chinese clone three years ago. I was looking for a cylinder arm and a 441 was the best value around €1100 at the time, the nice sales girl convinced me to upgrade to a 205-470 Adler clone as it was supposed to be able to handle heavier material, this came to about €1650 +€50 for delivery to nearest port, Dublin for me. I went with this thinking I could get Adler parts if need be. Paid my money and sweated wondering if my money was gone, will the instructions be in Chinese etc.etc. I was assigned Jane on watsapp who asked did I want a drop down edge guide or bolt on, needle position up or down. Couple of weeks later I got a picture of a wooden box and note saying your machine is ready for transport. I started to feel better when I got a bill of laiding of a ship and date of arrival into Dublin. Got a guy to clear it through customs paid vat%23 and duty and warehouse handling a couple of hundred. So I get to the warehouse with my jeep- seats folded down. The guy brings this box out 6' high x 4'x2' I should have brought the horse trailer. It was all set up stitched off, unfortunately I had to take it apart. When I got home and set it up again it was threaded and leather stitched in it. Plugged it in and it has never given trouble- touch wood!.
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