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Everything posted by DavidsonLeather

  1. I've been asked to make a leather hobble belt with knife pouch. Does anyone have the dimensions of a hobble belt please? There looks like there is a specific length between buckle - first D ring - leather/knife part - second D ring - belt leather. any help appreciated
  2. I've recently been tinkering making sheaths for one of my Damascus hunting knives, something I've noticed with a few is that if the blade stays in the sheath, dry, for a time (about 4 weeks) the blade starts to rust pit. Is there a way to prevent this, lining maybe, or sealing the leather with something? I don't want to start lining with kydex, seems a metaphorical slap in the face to the leather. Any help greatly received. I've been using veg tanned leather, dyed inside and out with oil dye, then sealed on the outside with mink oil. Attached are pictures of said sheath and blade. The pitting seems to have stopped since I've heavily oiled the blade several times and put it in and out the sheath a few times.
  3. Stunning work Otto. Hand stitched or machine on the rifle scabbard?
  4. You did excellent work there. I made a Freeman's Apron bag/case a while ago and the method you used did cross my mind but wasn't brave enough to try it. I've done it once or twice on smaller pouches but I've avoided it since.
  5. Great work there Chief. I've always admired the lacing technique, but its got to be on the right piece, and your bag is definitely it. I think the reduction in popularity is probably due to the fact a lot of pouches/bags/wallets etc. are mass produced and everywhere with only stitching. When people get used to seeing something, sadly, that's what they come to expect.
  6. Hi all, I had customer ask me to make a drop leg sheath for a very large bayonet knife he'd found while in the army in Germany. He also wanted it to carry a sharpening stone and a fire starter. Immediately I thought of those 80's Rambo style survival knife sheaths you see with the little pouches tacked to the front, and I shivered at how vulgar they look. The knife has a rather wide hand guard piece which immediately gave me an idea. Well you can see from the pics. I made it from 3.5mm leather, blue stingray leather, and finished the edges with a two loop Spanish edge lace. Due to the overall thickness I had to drill all the holes one side then the other, then all the way through, as I don't have a bench drill. The extra half buckle piece, is so he can remove the drop leg system and convert it into a standard belt only sheath.
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