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About Vo1lok

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  1. Hi, leathercrafters! Does anybody know manufacturer of this knife? Looks very interesting. Sorry for the quality of pictures.
  2. But final result looks so different. Its hard for understanding for me, because all what i worked with are spirit dyes and antique paste, both from fiebings, and resolene of course. And when i saw this leatherworkers dying technique, i fell in love with this one
  3. I follow him to You mean dyes or stains? Thats important. Im interested about examples of your works, do you have any? No, this is another guy for sure
  4. Hi again! Sorry for late reply. I took some time to look comments on this leatherworkers instagram, and here is what i founded about his stain technique, im really interested what do you think about it! And found some amazing image of his skull work. Third from the left is amazing! I think this is "wiping off" and "some sandpaper" technique, but still not sure. and are you sure thats he use Tandys cova color dyes (acrylic?)?
  5. I think color that's you talking about (light brown on black), was getting with sandpaper, because of specific "scratches".
  6. Upd. Seems like now we know the technique of coloring. Now can somebody tell what dyes or stains are used on these wallets? I have compared with Tandy's Pro Stains colors chart, and it looks similar. And the most important thing, that they have a white color. So there are two questions: 1. Were the Tandy's Pro stains used on these wallets or maybe other stains (or dyes)? 2. What antiquing liquds were used on these projects?
  7. Hi! First of all - sorry for my english, i know it's bad So, today i saw a nice carved leather wallets, with freaking amazing dying technique. Now i can't sleep because i need to know how to get these colours. I think its not spirit dyes, seems like water based or acrylic used with some snain ot acrylic gel (i dont know), but, its so vintage, and lean, yes, its looks old, but clean. Do you have any ideas, or maybe you know this technique? Maybe you can give some advise of dye brand?..God, that's make me mad...
  8. How did you achieved that? Can you xplain please?
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