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About bcflyguy

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  • Interests
    newbie at leather work. golf m motorcycle riding, fly fishing , rving. 70 year old cooque, trying to learn a leather tooling trade

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
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    tooling and sculpting
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. Hello Leatherman, I would like to buy one burnisher for my 1/8 th dremel. I would like a burnisher with 4 sizes . I tool 4 oz to 10 oz leather. I am located in British columbia Canada. What is the total amount for this tool in US funds including shipping to Canada. Please email me response to bcflyguy1944@yahoo.com Thank you Neil ps. I have a paypal account.
  2. Hello al I have just finished redyeing my leather bags etc and want to put a few coats of Resolene. What is the BEST procedure to apply 3 coats Thank You. I know that there is a vid but not with Resolene. Thank You Neil
  3. That sounds reasonable. Off to Tandy at 9 o'clock. Should I use any deglaze first Twinoaks? Also , how many coats of Resolene should I apply and should it be applied full strength or diluted? Thank you very much for your help with this Much appreciated bcflyguy aka Neil
  4. Does anyone own a indian vintage motorcycle with tan leather. I have BAD fading problems with my leather bags, seat, backret etc. Inadian motorclcle sent me a dye kit ( 3 step process). After 2 monthys the leather has changed colors again. Please advise the best way to redye these areas so that they will all be the same color. Any suggestion wouls help. Thank you. bcflyguy aka Neil PS the leather was called distressed when it was new???????
  5. Is it possible to sharpen a groover blade or should I buy another blade . Which is the best type of groover??
  6. Thanks for the idea Troy
  7. I have dyed a piece too dark. The piece is not sealed yet.( no Resolene)How do I redye it to make it a different color thanks Neil ps I originally used Fiebing Eco flo
  8. I have dyed a finished project with a fiebing dye. Can I change the end result by re antiquing it. If so what do I put on the dyed item first.
  9. Thanks for the help Chief. Any idea what type of lace to buy for 1 /32 lacing slit? Thanks again
  10. question please What type and size of lace do I use to double stitch 9/ 10 oz leather. Also, do I punch 1/8 hole or punch a 1/8th stitching slot. Just trying to complete my second project and would appreciate all the help that I can get Thanks in advance bcflyguy aka Neil
  11. try Tandy leather's super sheen Good product bcflyguy
  12. Hi there. I have a 2014 Indian vintage and these leather grip covers are available through Indian as an accessory. If I were you I would find an Indian dealer near you and copy the pattern. The application is glue on the bare chrome handlebar and remember if they are bigger than the stock grips. you will need to adjust your clutch. If you get these done, I would appreciate pictures. Good luck bcflyguy X- Montrealer
  13. Thanks for this precious information Wild bill . One more if you please. If I wanted to do a double loop style lacing, would I use the same formula? EG 1/8 punch hole and 1/8 lace? Thanks for your help Neil
  14. What size punch hole do need use to use 1\8 lace thanks bcflyguy
  15. Can I ask where you got the pattern for that round bag Scott. I am trying to do one without a pattern and can not succeed. Thanks bcflyguy
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