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About WaG35

  • Birthday 12/02/1974

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  • Location
    SW Washington
  • Interests
    My Family and outdoor stuff

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  1. I toyed with the idea of doing this type of holster, and decided to try and stick a piece of leather to a piece of kydex. I used Barge and didn't scuff the kydex, it seemed to stick way better than I thought it would. I think I may have to do a holster like this. I'll let you know how it goes.
  2. Now that i'm done laughing, I can ask a question. I have done a bit of kydex and I only laughed because I have done the same thing. It sucks, don't do it. Did you bond the leather and Kydex before u heated the kydex? How did the glue respond to the heating process? Thanks, Tony
  3. I dont use a press but I believe it is 40 durometer gum rubber that folks are using.
  4. Nice looking holster. Stitches look good.
  5. Knifekits.com has paddles
  6. Nice. On another note, how is the vacuum set up working for you? Does it pull hard enough to get some defenition in the leather?
  7. Very nice. What do you use to cut the belt slots? They are very clean.
  8. Funny story. I brought this holster to work with me to show a couple people, and one of them offered to buy it. SOLD!!!! Not what I was expecting. The other just got a new Beretta and wants a holster for that.
  9. Well, it's been 6-8 months since my last holster(3kids, new job, blah blah blah)but I decided that my SIG needed a new one. This one is 7/8 oz Handstitched,Hand boned and rooned black. The edges still need to be finished but this is how she looked fresh out of the roon and neutralizing bath, basking in the sun to dry. I will burnish the edges and oil and leave it at that. Let me know what you all think. Sorry for the pic, all I had atthe moment was my iPhone. Thanks, Tony
  10. Dude those are beautiful. Nice Work. I imagine you stay pretty busy turning out work like that.
  11. Holy cow that is nice!!!!! How in the world do you get that kind of defenition in 8/9oz leather? What do you use for boning tools? Do you use a press? I hope you don't mind all the questions but wow that is very nice. Very well done.
  12. Thanks, I just checked the ovenn in the kitchen, and 170 is as low as it will go.
  13. What effect does drying them in the oven have on the leather. Does it make for a harder holster? Our oven in the kitchen is a convection oven but I don't think the temp will go as low as what has been mentioned.
  14. What does the convection do for the holsters? Does it just speed the drying process or is there some other benefits? Just curious, never heard of this before.- Tony
  15. Holy Cow! Those are beautiful. Very nicely done. The stitching looks great. The only thing I would offer, and it is just my opinion, is that I like the bottom of my holsters to stop right at the end of the barrel. Not saying that yours is wrong, that is just my preference. Of course my advice is worth every penny of what you paid for it. Again nice job.- Tony
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