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    Oxford, England

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    Cases, gunslips, cartridge bags

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  1. Thanks Nuttish and Andrew, I appreciate your comments. I just hate paint, but it may be the only solution. I will give it a go!
  2. Thanks. I thought as much. I got some way with wax and a very high speed burnish, but it isn't taking!
  3. Apologies all if this has been covered already, but I was wondering whether anyone has experience finishing soft edges? I have some 2mm tumbled calf, which I would like to burnish/finish properly. Clearly traditional methods are failing me (specifically the Japanese method of sealing with Funori, and the gum trag/burnishing method). Has anyone done this? I am looking for a firmer and shiny edge without any visible fibre structure. Maybe glazing? Thanks!
  4. Thanks. Monica and Bob I will try and find some images of the lining attachment. It was actually relatively simple, make sure you have an excess of the lining material, fold it over right at the edge and stitch in place with the leather. The important thing is to use an adhesive that will permanently fix that lining; once it comes loose it is very difficult to make it look good again
  5. Hi Rohn, Bright indeed...It is approximately 17in diagonally from corner to corner. This was actually the first case I made so it can certainly be better. I hand stitch all my work, maybe one day I will be able to afford a machine! The inside was lined, have a look below. P
  6. Apologies, it appears that I have posted this twice and can't seem to delete the other one. Any advice welcome
  7. Hi Guys, I am very new to this forum and have never really shown or discussed my work very much. Here is one of my recent projects I completed. Let me know what you think! P
  8. Hi Guys, I am very new to this forum and have never really shown or discussed my work very much. Here is one of my recent projects I completed. Let me know what you think! P
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