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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Children's moccasins
  • Interested in learning about
    Sewing machines
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  1. I am looking for leather stores in California. I live in Visalia, CA and I know about Tandy in clovis. I'm there about once a week. I was curious if there were any other good options in California. I would be willing to travel farther if it meant I could have some more options.
  2. Hello, I'm sure this question has been asked here before, but I looked through the threads and didn't find what I was looking for. I am considering starting up a small business selling leather items I have sewn. I will be starting with children's moccasins. I have a basic sewing machine that is doing an ok job of sewing the leather, but I know I need to buy a better machine if I am going to make this a business. I am wondering what the best bang for your buck is when it comes to a machine that will sew leather well. I don't have thousands to spend on a new machine. But I do want something that will get the job done.
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