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Everything posted by FlatWaterCowboy

  1. I am interested in putting a loop seat in the next saddle I build but have not done this before. Just wondering if anyone could explain "how to" for me. I've got an idea, but I'm not sure how it will look. Thanks
  2. I'm looking for a draw down stand, or some help making a simple one. Thanks for any help,
  3. This is exactly what I've been looking for!! Thanks!
  4. I'm looking for a good square chink pattern. I'm having a hard time finding anybody willing to share anything. I'd be willing to do some trading or even pay for a good pattern. I've got a couple of patterns that I'm not real happy with, so if you have a pattern that is well liked, tried and true, please let me know. Thanks,
  5. This may be the dumbest question, but I just got this machine and have read the manual and tried to decipher where exactly the "shuttle" is and how to oil it and cannot seem to figure it out. Please help, and don't laugh to hard. Thanks,
  6. Anyone have any thing either way to comment about a Champion Peerless 30 sewing machine?
  7. I am really dissatisfied with the Hought books. They are too expensive and they do things the hard way, in my opinion. I would not waste my money on them.
  8. I 'm a working cowboy and make a lot of simple, working gear. I like fancy, but don't have a lot of time to make fancy. Bryan Neubert's videos are simply AWESOME, in my opinion. I have multiple books and have a terrible time learning from them, like you. I thought Gail Hought's books would help, but I actually hate them. She does things the hard way all the time. Bryan does things the commone sense way, in my opinion. I studied Bruce Grant's book for two years and could barely tie a simple turk's head, but after 1 day with Bryan's videos I could make all of the working gear I desired. I know I am slow, but I couldn't do it with Bryan's Videos. Also, they have provided me a foundation to understand what some of the more complicated books say on the more complicated braids. Hope this helps.
  9. I like your hondas, but from a guy who ropes a lot, and makes a lot of hondas for working guys, I think you might find that a larger more heavy duty burner would be better. I just can't see these hondas holding up over the long term, (forgive me, I'm not trying to be critical, just helpful) Also one thing I've noticed is making the burners cover a longer area. Guys seem to enjoy this and they just last longer. The braiding is awesome though,
  10. Ok, here's the situation. I'm braiding the reins portion of the Romal. I have exactly 100' of string. I want to braid an 8 strand braid. (100/8=12.5) Will this be enough to make the 90 inches of braided reins I am going for? I am just having nightmares that I won't have enough. Please help!
  11. I am also going to start my first pair of Romal Reins. I am wondering about not using a core. I may try using sash cord as a core also. To be honest so many of the reins I see made are too big and bulky. I am going to try using 1/8" wide string and an 8 strand braid. I traded for a set of 4 braid and the crosses are just too long. Can anyone see any problems with my plans? How long does a person cut his strings in order to come out with 42" body?? I like Gail Hought's book for the dimensions, but depend on Bryan Neubert's Videos for the braiding. Can anyone share the materials needed portion of Hought's braiding book? I really enjoy this forum, a drink of water in the desert. Thank you all.
  12. Thank you, The dimensions I am wondering about are for the string. I'd like a 12 braid body for the romal. So I'm wondering would 1/16" be to small. I like very tiny reins so I've even considered using no core at all. Tradition is important but definitely superseded by function. Thanks for the help.
  13. When you say, "this way keeps the body from twisting inside the heel knot" you mean wrapping it around a ring button? Thank you for you help.
  14. I know that is the point of it, as would be the same point if one tied a turk's head. My question is, why is this way better?
  15. I am wondering the dimensions for Romal Reins. Santa Ynez style is best, as I am not a fan of bulky romals. Also what about a core for the romal? Thanks,
  16. I have wondered when combining the ends of a bosal instead of tying a ring knot and looping the end through it which is the only way I've ever seen done; why couldn't you just tie a turks head around the base and tie the heel knot around it. Surely it would be just as strong. But is there any reason why one shouldn't do this?
  17. Has anyone used tree from the Bowden Saddle Tree Company? If so, how would you rate the quality?
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