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About Wontonman

  • Birthday 08/24/1995

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  1. Thank you for recomending this book to me! my pouch is a very similar design to the playing card case on page 38. I believe i need to make a trip to Tandy to pick up a v gouge to crease the bottom of my pouch. I'll post back hopefully later today if I can make it there.
  2. I'm attempting to design what I originally thought would be a simple template for my first "original" item but its proving to be much much more difficult than I had imagined. I'm trying to make a small belt pouch that would only require 4 pieces; 1 long rectangular piece for the front, bottom, back and flap that would be bent into a rectangular box shape 1 piece for each of the left and right sides to be sewn to the large rectangle( originally these were going to be rectangles also but I realized that bending the main piece leaves a semi circle gap at the bottom 1 smaller rectangle on the back of the pouch to function as a belt loop. I'm stuck trying to get the correct sizing for the semicircular bottom pieces on the sides of the bag Tried to upload the Illustrator file but it wouldn't let me so I uploaded it as a pdf If there anything I can clarify feel free to let me know. I've gained a lot of knowledge here over the past year and I would love to be able to give something back! Belt Pouch LWUp.pdf
  3. I usually use Tandy's bag stiffener although I did just buy some acrylic sheets that I'm starting to cut
  4. your website is throwing me a error 403 on my desktop and mobile.
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