It all started for me when I inherited my dad's bike after he passed away in 2012. It had been sitting around for a little while, so it was starting to look a little rough around the ages, namely the holey vinyl seat. I thought it was a good idea to restore the bike, and to do it as a memorial for my dad.
I decided to convert it to a single seater, and that it would it have a hand tooled leather seat. After looking around a little bit, I either didn't like what I was seeing or what the price was. Being the DIY type, I figured I should try it myself. My dad was an artist, and he used to spend time in church drawing elaborate Celtic knot designs on the back of the program. Fortunately for me, he kept them all, and I concluded that it would be the perfect design to put on the seat.
I decided to go with this drawing(not the original, obviously my trace).
So off to youtube I went, and didn't find much on there. Maybe there is more on there now, but there wasn't at the time. After watching one video in particular many, many times(Thank you Iler Brothers!!!), I decided to just go for it.
After cutting.
Some tooling progress.
Finished with the tooling, but thought there was a little something missing.
There, my dad's initials, WWL.