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About daniellevergneartist

  • Birthday 12/08/1957

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  • Interests
    Airbrush and painting on leather apparel, all kinds of designs

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Airbrush and paint on leather

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  1. i have read all your answers and traduced them, i am very thankfull to all of you for the time you took for writing them! really clever and very kind
  2. I am a arts teacher since 1981, a airbrush artist and a painter on leather; i can draw and paint any design, logos, flowers, landscapes, portraits, horror, hardrock music, etc on leather; i search people to work for (you can send me your leather apparel) or some sellers of jackets and vest that would find me customers in exchange of 10 % of the selling price https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151021885280556.771693.665700555&type=1&l=196149b09c
  3. I always wondered if my prices were accurate; i mean i buy my leather perfectos 120 euros to my retailer, then i airbrush and paint with many details some complex pictures on back and sleeves etc, i sell total 399 euros; but it seem to me its not the right price, i might sell more expensive, its not only airbrush and it need 3 weeks to achieve a jacket,what do you think? and where could i find customers for this deluxe production?
  4. Hello from France, i am a arts teacher since 1981 and a painter and airbrush artist exclusively on leather apparel; i paint for hardrock fans but i am able to work about any design andy theme! http://www.hardrock-artworks.com https://www.facebook.com/DanielleVergne
  5. I am happy to be on this forum, plenty of excellent infos on leather works, i personnally paint and airbrush on leather apparel and i am crazy of this item, leather, soft and hot surface to paint any designs from hardrock themes to animals, flowers, portraits, stars, landscapes...i present to you some of my works, but notice that i paint any theme not only music ones!Alice Cooper has worn on stage one of my creations, a red leather vest. https://www.facebook.com/DanielleVergne
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