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  1. you can get some patterns here, they even can make then at desired size: http://www.lekala.co/
  2. Hi, it my 1st tread in that forum, nice to meet ya all. i bumped in it by accident, so i hope i could find here some anwers. thank you in advance. i resently aquire 2 fur sewing machines for 150$ branded Allbook & Hashfield Success FF and F series. let alone i have 0 experience to use them- so owner manual would be handy, as well i would need some kind of guide to tune them up. mechanics for me not a mistery, so i would be ok to handle it myself. just i need some reference points to do so, like for example when you changing the timig belt in the car there is a series of dots that have to be alinged to make a proper job. so that kind of stuf. apriciate it in advance any help.
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