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Francesca Jones

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  • Location
    Granada, Spain
  • Interests
    Horses, Eco Building, Making leather Boots

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  1. Dear all! I have a 15" lebman saddle with suede seat, its beautiful and i love it but its too heavy for me to manage easily and for long distance rides way too heavy. Can anyone tell me a little history about it ands guess at value? Its in good condition. The stamp says H.S Lebman, S antonio, texas, and in the center S.Flores and i think the number 37. Any info much appreciated, also where would be best place to sell online? Have a great day
  2. Dear All! I have a beautiful H.S Lebman saddle that is to heavy for me to manage easily!, I am asking for advice on where is the best internet site to sell it, and also what the 'circa' value, It is a 15.5" Saddle in good condition. I am sorry to have to sell it but for long distance rides its 16 kilo is too much weight! any advice much appreciated The stamp says H.S Lebman, San Antonio, Texas, and in the center of that is S.Flores and under that name I think the number 37.
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