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Everything posted by LSU91

  1. Hey folks, I'm new to the board here and hopefully I'm not violating forum decorum (hey that rhymed), but I've got a couple industrial sewing machines for sale. Got a Pfaff double needle post bed with roller foot that has a 1/8" gauge and a powerful clutch motor, comes with table, thread stand, and light. Also have a Pfaff double needle flatbed with a 1/4" gauge and a super powerful clutch motor. I bought both of these machines just about 4 months ago, before I learned which machines I really needed for the work that I do, and ended up not using them at all other than to test them out. They're both a few years old but in perfect working order. If you do a search on Ebay for Pfaff post beds (this one is listed there), you'll see that others are much more expensive than mine, and that this is actually an excellent deal at $2,500. Same with the Pfaff double needle flatbed - a steal at $2,000. If you pay for shipping, I'll ship them via a trucking company and it will cost usually between $250 and $300, though obviously I would prefer a central Florida buyer (I'm in Kissimmee, Florida). Post bed machine: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Pfaff-Industrial-Sewing-Machine-Model-1296-Double-Needle-Post-Bed-w-Roller-/221732080341?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item33a0430ad5 Flatbed machine: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Pfaff-1422-Double-Needle-Industrial-Sewing-Machine-/221733596270?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item33a05a2c6e. If you are interested in either machine, let's talk. My email is LSU91@hotmail.com and phone is 407-304-0924. Thanks Jason
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