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    Challis, Idaho

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Saddle and tack repair
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    all things leather
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  1. Do you know what this is? Is it complete? If not, can parts be purchased to make it complete? How do you use it? So many questions I know. Thank you for any info you can share.
  2. I really appreciate all your input. What a great site to have questions answered on. Thank you all for sharing your knowledge.
  3. Thank you for your input. I tend to charge by the job, according to what seems fair, but typically cut myself short. Something I need to come to terms with and figure out how to be fair to both the client and myself. Have a great day!
  4. I have a pricing question, maybe it is addressed elsewhere, but I haven't found it. I do a lot of tack repairs, and other leather repairs. How much do you charge per hour to pick out old stitching? I feel bad charging my normal hourly rate, but it takes so long, and is not a fun task. What is your experience or any other advice you have. Thank you for your help.
  5. Can any type of leather be cased (latigo, harness, etc)? To stretch and shape it? Like for a knife sheath? Maybe this is not the right place for this question??
  6. I have a complete newby question. I want to burnish the flesh side of a strap of veg tan leather. Katass, mentioned "proper burnishing techniques achieve a MUCH better finished product". I have searched the site, and really don't have very good sleuth skills, but have not found any instruction on proper burnishing. Can someone please explain this process to me? This is an old post, so there may not be anyone looking at it still. Thank you for your help!!
  7. Thank you so much Thornton!!!
  8. Okay, I think I got it now. I just found this picture of the stamp in question too.
  9. Okay, I did it! Here is the stamp in question. Sorry for my ignorance!
  10. You are very right. And, I did attach a file, but don't see it anywhere. I will get it on as soon as I figure it out. Sorry!! :-( I can't get a picture to show up. I copied and pasted, that didn't work, I attached a file and that didn't work, what next?? Sorry I am not typically this tech stupid???
  11. Does anybody know where I can find this stamp? I ordered one that is the same pattern, but smaller. Any ideas will be appreciated. Thank you! Terri
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