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Everything posted by Simeon54

  1. Thanks for getting back to me, club 49. I just stopped using it. I wipe a piece over with Oxalic acid, to clean, then dye straight after.
  2. Thanks for your information. I'm really new to working with leather, so still discovering lots! I think I'm going to just use the Dubbin for now. It seems to work well, and I doubt the Bag Kote adds anything. I was just reading up about Neatsfoot Oil as I see that the dye process on some skins toughens them up. Is Olive Oil an effective substitute? Also, when you say Snoproof on the back, is that the flesh side? What does it do, exactly?
  3. Hi all, I have a quick question about finishing leather. I am a bit confused by the plethora of products out there! I bought some Fiebings Bag Kote but I got the impression that this just coats the leather rather than nourishes it. So, I bought some Dubbin. On a finished piece, I ended up putting on the Bag Kote, and then liberal use of the Dubbin, before a quick polish with a rag. Do these 2 products work in tandem, or are they cancelling each other out? What do you guys use to feed a leather (hand dyed) and then give it a shine? Many thanks!
  4. Hi all, I'm new here and new to working with veg tanned leather. I'm making some experiment with a piece of hide I was given, which means I don't know it's provenance, nor if it was treated with something previously. I have been doing some dye tests on it, and they look good. However, when I use Fiebings dye prep it seems to stain the leather somehow. Does anyone know why this might be? Please see images. I managed to spill some of the dye prep, which is what caused the largish splodge in the centre and also it drip down the bottle which I place on the leather and caused that dark square stain (yes, I know, VERY shoddy behaviour!) However, the more even staining is just caused by my wiping the dye prep over the hide with a cloth. I tried to find some Oxalic acid to clean with that, but failed (in the UK in my town). I'm back in the Netherlands so will look there for some. Many thanks in advance for any help. Simeon
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