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Jeff Claridy

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  1. Thanks Tom, I will try that. That idea has given me a few other ideas to look into.
  2. 8 to 10 oz veg tan leather straps 6 inch long. They are starting off thin halfway through 6” piece moves to thicker cut. I haven’t tried anything longer than 6” to check if it stays continuous.
  3. It seems to be cutting fine no drag on the motor, that I can tell. It just doesn’t cut at the same thickness through out the cut. I’ve made adjustments to where the blade is compared to the roller. Closer to the roller then farther away from the roller. Still not a consistent cut. I was thinking there might be a sweet spot for the blade. Like a manufacturer’s suggested distance, or a mark on the bed that the blade lays on, but I can’t find anything. Thanks for the suggestion.
  4. Thanks The only manual I found on the site was a schematic parts list.
  5. I recently picked up a LS 1020 leather splitter 20” hand crank and servo motor setup. It hadn’t been used in a few years so I cleaned it up. Removed the blade to check it’s condition it seemed in good condition honed the blade and reassembled blade. I’m having trouble getting it to split in a uniform weight. Have only tried small strap pieces 4 to 6” long. I have no manuals and I can’t seem to find any detailed setup or operation manuals on line. Looking for all the help I can get. Thanks in advance.
  6. I will check them out once they arrive. The manual actually calls for the 190 system on the H4, so unless someone has changed parts on my machine I'm expecting them to work. System 135x17 is generally used in walking foot (compound feed) industrial sewing machines. It is also known as 3355 and DPx17. Please note that 135x17 refers to the system, or type of needle; size (diameter) is denoted by the suffix. For example, 135x17-21 is the smallest, or thinnest size we offer in this brand; 135x17-24 is the largest, or thickest size. The eye of the needle increases with the thickness to allow for sewing heavier threads. Needles listed here are standard sharp point only. 135X17 This is a very common Needle SYSTEM used by: ADLER ARTISAN BROTHER CONSEW DURKOPP JUKI MITSUBISHI NAKAJIMA PFAFF SEIKO SINGER SIRUBA TAIKO TOYOTA They are also seen as numbers DPX17 SY3355 190R Please note that 190R refers to the system, or type of needle; size (diameter) is denoted by the suffix. For example, 190R-21 is the smallest, or thinnest size we offer in this brand; 190R-24 is the largest, or thickest size. The eye of the needle increases with the thickness to allow for sewing heavier threads. Length, butt to eye: 44.5mm. Shank diameter: 2.0mm. Needles listed here are standard sharp point only. This Needle SYSTEM is used in many PFAFF Industrial Sewing MachineMODELS: 145 146 195 335 540 543 545 546 1240 1245 1246 1545 3306 for Walking Foot, Double Needle, and many other PFAFF INDUSTRIAL Sewing Machines
  7. yes system 134 135. I looked up the length of 134 and the length of a 190 system needle. The 190 being longer length so will need to set needle bar height when I change to the 190 system needle to correct the timing.
  8. I checked the needles I was using and they are 134 and 135. My Pfaff 545 is a H4 so I ordered the 190 needles now waiting for the shipment to arrive. Thought they would arrive today but holiday weekend! I will follow up after I set the timing and needle bar to the correct height. Wait! That sentence almost sounds like I know what I'm talking about. Ha Ha. Hopefully I will be reporting good news. The problem, I will be out of town a couple of weeks and will not be able to time the machine before I leave.Thanks all.
  9. I need to check needle style, and look into bobbin sizes.I thought there was very little clearance for hooked thread as it travels around the bobbin. My machine jams when going in reverse every time.Thank you Floyd, Suzelle, and CowboyBob Please keep the knowledge flowing I need all the help you send my way.
  10. I recently bought a Pfaff 545 to sew veg tanned leather journals, wallets, bags, and more. Had problems with hook timing because of old screws buggered slots on shaft. I cut deeper slots into screws allowing me to tighten down properly. Hook timing solved I think. Now I am trying to use size 138 thread top and in bobbin sews fine going forward but if I try to lock stitch creates jam on bobbin side of leather. My question is to big thread in bobbin or timing off by small adjustment. I really would like to use 138 on both sides for finished look. I would also like to use 207 size thread need to know if that is possible. I have learned more about sewing machines in the last month than I thought possible but still a newbie. I need to sew with no issues, so far I spend more time tinkering with machine than sewing. I would appreciate all the help you can offer. Thanks Jeff
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