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    Baldwin, ND
  • Interests
    Horses, braiding, leather work, old west, computer graphics, Cowboy Action Shooting

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  1. Thanks for the ideas. The leather is braided so, I'll have to glue the ends first. System 3...I'll check it out. Thanks. I'm running some tests on other glue. Haven't tried epoxy yet but of Liquid Nails, Gorilla glue and Shoe Goo, the Shoe Goo is looking awesome. Yup, always rough up a smooth surface to get a good stick.
  2. Hard to demonstrate in this forum. Basically,with one hand, you have to use 2 fingers to hold half the clasp and push the other clasp with the other two fingers. The magnet helps pull the clasp together. Undoing it is just the reverse.
  3. I've got some Gorilla glue. Picked up some Shoe Goo and some liquid nails. Will run some tests. There's a trick to opening and closing the clasp one-handed. I like it because it's very secure.
  4. Yup, contact won't work for this application. I'll check into Weld Bond. Thanks. Can't drill and pin as the leather is braided.
  5. Buckles are for watch bands. Clasps are for bracelets. But thanks.
  6. I'm looking for a glue to use for attaching leather bracelets to metal clasps. Any suggestions?
  7. I've been using drum stuffed kangaroo in my braiding projects. The colors available are limited so, I want to try dying and 'stuffing' my own. Trouble is, I have no idea how to prevent the dye from bleeding, since I can't use traditional sealers. Anyone have any experience with this and can help me? Thanks,
  8. Don, Get Gail Hought's book, here. Excellent instruction and illustration. http://www.hought.com/brbooks-basics2.html
  9. Thanks, oltoot. Understand the issue but, can't get away from that problem if you put poppers on the end. You can create a blunt end without knots but it doubles the length of your strings. Yeah, once you've had a good set of braided reins, it's hard to go back. Thanks, Tramps.
  10. Thanks, Thor. Yeah, most braided reins are simpler 3 and 5 plait flat braid. I prefer to do this style. They're 71/2 feet long. As far as time...if you weren't a fellow leather worker, I'd say 10 years (developing technique, skill and learning) .) But, between you and me, about a week. Thanks, Bob. Thank you, bgl500.
  11. Got an order for a set of split reins with a keeper and latigo poppers.The reins are kept to one side so I used a lighter weight latigo for the poppers just to keep the weight down when she overhauls. 8 plait 'roo over leather core. They feel like butter in your hands. Hope she likes 'em.
  12. Hedge


    millwright, Exactly what I was looking for. Many thanks! Gary
  13. Hedge


    25b, Thanks for the link. That's one book I don't have. Guess I'll have to add it to my library.
  14. Hedge


    Millwright, Thanks for the tip. I'll have a look after chores.
  15. Hedge


    25b, thanks for the reference, but I don't have the book.
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